Wells Family Initiatives is a Local Small Business Enterprise (LSBE) certified for Dekalb County GA

Navigating Complex Systems: The Essence of Systemic Facilitation

Navigating Complex Systems: The Essence of Systemic Facilitation

A definition of systemic facilitation is an approach and set of methodologies used to navigate and improve complex systems within organizations. It involves understanding and addressing the interconnectedness of various components and relationships within a system, aiming to optimize overall effectiveness, collaboration, and adaptability. This facilitation method often extends beyond traditional linear thinking and focuses on holistic perspectives, acknowledging that actions and changes in one part of a system can impact the entire system.

Remember that we meet to discuss and plan to do, discover or understand something. Systemic facilitation is critical because we have to bring the right data to the table for decision-making. Plans and strategies have their best chance to help the organization when teams can come to an agreement on the connections our content and people have with the other systems around us. Discovering the true scale of the connections for our meeting topic may overwhelm you, but before you book a convention center, try to synthesize all that people power with these tips:

  1. Mini-team meetings between executives and teams. In preparation for bringing all of the interconnectedness to the table, plan to collect data based on an essential question connected to the meeting topic from connected departments and customers and follow up with a meeting to discuss the data. Divide your leadership team among the identified teams to minimize overload. Stay open to a change in the essential question and/or a revelation of even more connections.
  2. Synthesize and share the data from the mini-team meetings with the leaders that will be in the room. Share the synthesized data among the other leaders, along with quotes, ruminations and kpis that stood out.
  3. Appoint an avatar when possible. Whether virtual or in-person, it can inspire and empower your teams if their voice can be represented at the “table.”
  4. Hire a facilitator. Organizations need a professional with methodologies and tools to ensure the rules of engagement are maintained for the most efficient and rewarding meeting possible.

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